This just in (Or not) – Three release dates + ‘Double’ character = one happy Omnigamer.


Well as February eases out of the year (seriously, where does the time go?) more of my watch list games are finally getting release dates on them such as Borderland 2 (9/18/2012), Journey (3/13/2012), and even Hawken (12/12/12) which is also signing up players for beta – so sign up, unless hot robot action isn’t your thing. Speaking of hot action, Skull girls has just revealed a newest (and possibly last) character in their all-female fighter. He/She/It is called Double, a shape shifter being controlled by the current Skullgirl (whoever that may be). He/She/It has no backstory on His/Her/Its own, but something tells me that Double’s part to play in all this will have quite an impact. The games are coming people, it’s just a matter of time.