Gift guide for great gamers: All the new Mii Plaza games



It’s Christmas Eve people, all the stores have sold out of games (even the crappy ones) and your pocket book could just float away because of how little you have in there. Yet you still haven’t brought the gamer in your life anything thing yet – looks like you’re going to be in the dog house this year. Nope. There’s still hope. Months ago Nintendo release four awesome street pass games for Mii Plaza: Mii Force, Flower Town, Monster Manor, and Warrior’s Way. Each one a barrel of fun and great way to use the Street Pass functionally (more Street Pass players = better results in the games). Sure they’re not very serious, and won’t win any awards for best game of the year but they have three things going for them: they’re cheap, they have a lot of replay, and they’re just plain fun. I mean I like how video games these days are written with a higher caliber than ever, showcasing society good and bad qualities just as well as any other form of media. But sometimes it’s just awesome to have nice, clean, fun with a game without the need to headshot someone in the face. Games that will never end up on Fox News for threating the valves of today’s youth. Bright primary color everywhere and no moral pondering about how my actions will ruin a virtual character’s whole day.  Don’t get it twisted however, these games are simple to learn but tough to master – especially since people with the same games will be your opponents as well as your allies in one way or another.  The new Mii Plaza games are a complete package of good times and simple innovation, whose only downside is that it’s only available for the 3DS. However if they don’t have a 3DS I’m sure they won’t mind having that under the tree tomorrow, I know I wouldn’t – then they could get the new Mii Plaza games for themselves. It’s a win-win.




The Fall of Games: Review Week – Monster Manor



In this game players take on the role of an investigator who was hired to discover the mystery of monster manor along with your plucky young sidekick who I’ll just call ‘plucky’ because I forgot what her name it. Anyway the mystery wasn’t so hard to figure because it was ghosts, and thanks to their otherworldly ghostly powers you can’t escape the manor (well let’s pretend you can’t).  However there’s hope, the manor also mii jacks all the street pass mii you come across with. They have map pieces of the manor’s interior (why do they have them? you’re asking too many questions) and are  more than willing to give them up if you figure out how to get out this crazy place and defeat the ghosts along the way. So basically Monster Manor is a thinking mii’s game: there are an unknown number of floors in the scary estate and each floor is shrouded in mystery. That’s when the map pieces from the street pass mii’s come in. Each piece contains various shapes for hallways on the floors, it’s up to you to figure out which piece will fit just right in a floor, but it doesn’t stop there. Players also have to think ahead when they place pieces because each piece will be in the favorite color (from their shirt)  of the Mii you received it from; if you match pieces of the same color with one another then they’ll change from a hallway to a room. A room will have all sorts of goodies like weapons, gems, items, a place to store all your stuff, even other miis to help you once again and more. Speaking of weapons, you’ll be using blasters to fight the undead. You’ll start will a rusty blaster but if you’re a good detective you’ll better blasters that have elemental effects and special abilities. Players can even upgrade them if they got the right materials. Monster Manor, like all the new 3DS street pass games, is a lot of fun and certainly worth the $5 I paid to the sales bunny for the title. There’s nothing left to say but bustin makes me feel good baby.





